@BRYNBRRY It is hard publishing something and exposing you to the possibility of criticism. For me it was not with music but with YouTube videos - or writing on the web in general.
I would be interested in listening to the song a week experiment – but no pressure. Creativity need space.
Hey, Bryan. I’m a veteran musician. My advice is that if you want to share your music, just put it out there. Don’t worry about the *possibility* of criticism. You’ll find that most will be supportive and provide feedback you’ll find really useful. And, like everything, the more you work on it the better you’ll get. 🙏
@riversidebryan I have not, thank you…I’ll connect!
@V_ thank you. I think the hardest part for me is seeing all the talent that exists out there and wondering if I can really add anything that anyone would value.
@BRYNBRRY every human has a different view and can bring something new to the plate. But I understand the notion fully, I have these thoughts as well.