Paper notes: How much food tracking during a digital weight management program is enough?
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@adammedcalf I’ve been tracking my weight and food intake for a few weeks and have seen some fast results in terms of weight loss. I did not realize that this practice had been quantified in such a systematic manner, so I guess I’ll keep going. It’s probably the intentionality of the practice itself that gets the results.

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@chrisfoley Sounds like you’re making great progress! Yes, I think tracking is one of the few techniques that the research suggests is quite effective in most circumstances regarding weight loss. The main problem is that it’s effortful so most people aren’t able to keep it up for a long time, so good on you for persisting!

I’m glad folk are trying to work out ways to make it less of an ordeal. But as you say I guess intentionality is likely a part of it so making it too automatic might be unhelpful in the end. Perhaps that's why the researchers in this paper noted that tracking by taking photos might be less effective. But otoh it's good to know that it's certainly not critical to be a 'perfect tracker'.

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