@JeffPerry I do. Any thoughts you got, I’m all ears.
@JeffPerry I do. Any thoughts you got, I’m all ears.
@ben are there any things you’d like to know more about in regards to working on your iPad or anything specific you haven’t found any info on that you’d like to?
@JeffPerry I’m a big iPad user. I would like to read about how you use your iPad to get your work done, even if it is just how you write your blog, manage your task list, and so on. It would be great to read why you love it, even if the topics seem obvious or mundane to you at first.
@JeffPerry I do something like this about once a year. At some point (I think it was @Ben) got me on the “One folder with everything and just use search” system. Great for staying minimal while avoiding the annoyances of redownloading an app every couple months.
There’s also something to be said in favor of simplicity versus pure minimalism, but I don’t intend to undercut your project. Interested to see how future updates turn out.
@natebarham the problem I have with having everything in one folder is I’m not able to remember what I have. I think of things with problem first, app second. So I tend to browse instead of just going to what I know works.
@JeffPerry Nice article. I have been through periods of paring back to a minimalist approach for things, too. It's a good idea for a series of posts.
On my blog, I wrote some posts about my adoption of the 12.9" iPad Pro. I was surprised to find that I loved it when I had always considered it too big before.
@mjdescy so far I’m enjoying being more minimal. I cleaned out my office area and everything I need is on my desk. No more desk drawer full of junk. It’s been pretty exhilarating and encouraging from a creative standpoint.
@JeffPerry I'm using an iPad Pro for development when I travel. I want to know more about other people iPad workflows A lot of smart stuff is still out there, and nobody talks about it
@JeffPerry Mainly development related, but I'm interesed in every usecase of the iPad Pro. Like what apps are people using for everyday stuff? Are they using the it in conjuction with something else? What automation scenarios can be used by everyday people? How can a pro using desktop software can adopt iOS?