
@bbowman I appreciate the follow-up. a general principle Iā€™m sure we could probably both agree on is one should look neither to TikTok/Instagram full-time influencers nor Bill Gothard or Doug Wilson as the best subject matter experts for good parenting strategies šŸ˜Š

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@thebigbabooski Amen to that! Upon further reflection, and after talking to my wife, I decided to delete the original post. While I do think the essay makes some salient points, I find the title (and some of the substance) needlessly provocative and polemical. My intent was not to plant my flag in the "anti-gentle parenting" camp. At this point, I'm pretty wary of aligning too closely with any side on complex issues like this, which are necessarily contextual, historically-conditioned, and dictated to a large extent by wisdom.

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