
I really don’t want to give up on the community on but the constant reliability problems, the shoddy posting UI (pasting breaks undo, for example) and the general inattentiveness to old issues while churning out new apps and “AI” features is really making it hard.

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@baldur Agreed. I've got a long list of complaints but I don't expect any of them to be resolved. Some are by design, others neglect. With the exception of a very tiny group I don't fit the community here at all and due to the broken-by-design search function that is never going to be improved, I don't expect to be able to find anyone here who shares similar interests. I use it for the blog hosting because it's better than WordPress - but only barely. Frustrating.

I've stuck to this point because of the ActivityPub support but I'm finding that's probably going to remain mostly pointless for me as I still have to relay on separate Mastodon account. 🤷🏽‍♂️

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@baldur Have you looked into using alternative apps for posting? I really don't like writing anything in the posting UI if I can help it (so only use it for replies like this), but there are some great third-party apps that can be used to post.

Paper's free version is very generous, and can post files as drafts to Personally I use Ulysses, which is awesome. (Through Setapp, so I don't pay more for it.) It supports keywords, scheduling and everything. I use the Inbox in the app for micro.posts - so that makes it super fast to post those. I think iA Writer and MarsEdit is supposed to be good as well.

Is it optimal that you need something else (maybe not even free) to get a good posting experience? Absolutely not. But you at least can get a very good one.

(I to disagree with a bunch of the priorities at, sadly. =/ But I do really like it as a place to host my blog, with some minor social media-ing on the side.) @Denny

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@Havn I haven't. I'll definitely have a look at those.

That only solves part of the problem, though, as I still have cross-posting issues all the time, like today where a post never appeared on Bluesky or Mastodon at all.

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@baldur Feel free to tag me if you have questions! (I might be able to help - especially with Ulysses.)

Yeah, there's absolutely still issues (although I think cross-posting mostly works fine for me - but I don't follow it very closely). =/

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