Had an Eye Test Today jayeless.net

@jayeless Since you don’t need glasses for your right eye, you should maybe think about getting a monocle for the left. I remember the shock of suddenly discovering that one of my eyes was very shortsighted, while the other was fine. Forty years later, I still don’t wear glasses, except for reading. Even then, I find that as often as not I just cover/close my good eye and focus on the page with my shortsighted one.


@artkavanagh Haha, I'm not sure how well a monocle would match my usual style 😅 Personally I'm not really fussed about having to wear glasses, although it's great you've been able to avoid it, if that's what you prefer!

In reply to

@jayeless I reluctantly concluded that a monocle wouldn’t suit me either. I hope you won’t have as many headaches anyway, once you have the glasses.


@jayeless I remember to this day how cathartic it felt when I first got glasses. As if I was missing part of the world, and back then my prescription was much less than it is today. Happy you were able to get it resolved, and now you get to pick out some stylish frames. That’s the best part about being able to wear glasses, honestly, even more than the vision improvement.


@jayeless Welcome! I got my first glasses in my mid 20s (I blame grad school for my vision loss, though I suppose it would have happened eventually), and can still remember the experience of walking down a city street and enjoying the crisp outlines on everything I saw. I hope you get to experience the same pleasure.
Now they're so much part of my face that I rarely think about them.
One memory: when I first got glasses, plastic lenses weren't standard, and the heavy glasses hurt my nose if I wore them for long. Plastic lenses were a big life improvement.


@pimoore I was so overwhelmed by how much choice in frames I had! 😅 I only had a couple of preferences (rounder frames rather than square, neutral colours) so it was quite a process narrowing it down. I got there though, haha.

@JMaxB Thanks! And yeah, I remember having very clear vision as a child. I have this specific memory of looking at a tree in the distance at my primary school, and seeing all the leaves so distinct from one another, and thinking, "If I wanted to, I could count the exact number of leaves on that tree. I won't, because that'd take forever, but I could." Safe to say it's been a long time since I've been able to see leaves clearly enough to think that 😆 It's not that I plan to take up leaf-counting as a hobby now, of course, but I suspect I'll be surprised how much sharper my vision will get.
