It’s hard to sleep in on Caturday when you’re being stared at and the rumbling purr is akin to a truck engine idling by the side of the road. 🐱🐈

It’s hard to sleep in on Caturday when you’re being stared at and the rumbling purr is akin to a truck engine idling by the side of the road. 🐱🐈
@meandering our previous cat would sleep on my head and purr, my wife had no idea how I could sleep through it.
@meandering ah, yes, the Purry Feed Me Breakfast Alarm Clock! Love that classic black and white edition. I have the same device, in Striped.
@sgtstretch I can generally sleep through until the paw starts gently swiping at my chin. Fortunately the beard cushions the claws!
@meandering As a comparison, one of my cats purrs at a very low volume. You can only hear it if you keep your ear right against his throat. He knows he has an equally soft meow, so he rather digs his paws into a door, or knocks things over to compensate for his disability. Normally, Bengal cats are about the loudest felines around. So loud indeed, that neighbors complain about it, like with barking dogs. In my case, I can't put any breakable objects (including tech) where cats can reach, or I'll find it broken soon enough.