
Blogging on Windows is frustrating. So many times I want to quickly share a quote, a basic link, whatever. I then see Apple people talking about pre-formatted sharing with blockquotes, et al, and it just makes me sad that optimised blogging doesn’t exist on Windows and Chrome.


This is exactly why social media succeeds. Just get an account on "X" network and boom! all of this sharing works well enough that you can blog and get on with your day.

Sure, I can make feature requests for tools like Omnibear (and I will) but it feels like such a small, inefficient use of your time when you've got shit to do.


Now remember how Feedbin does this to some extent. That's good but also reflects a big part of the problem; every little company, every singular developer, every little side project has a partly working version of this stuff and I'm sorry but that's not good enough.

We're never going to rebuild the blog-based social networks across the web if we can't make sharing accessible to as many people as possible.


@simonwoods Amen to that! I think that's why, over the years, I've moved to doing virtually everything on my phone (whether iOS or Android.) It may still not be perfect but I've managed to develop a servicable (enough) workflow to make it more bearable.


@simonwoods I am not sure I understand, what is it that you miss exactly as against a mac? Sharing sheet? Or apps?


@amit MarsEdit; more than just iA Writer as an option for a fully developed writing app; extensions to make sharing easier (like the Sharing Sheet yep!), and yeah generally the option to simply take a look at third-party alternatives. Too many times I'll look for something for Windows and it'll be either abandoned, look dangerous, or be open source and lack any sort of substantial development support.

IDK if it's easier to use a Mac, or nicer or whatever but I have never tried so either way it's worth having a look. If it is better and on top of that I can also have access to the ecosystem of third-party developers, that'll likely be enough to make it easier for me to regularly blog in the way I would like to.


@colinwalker This is the kind of thing that makes me think about the iPad a lot. It's unsurprising to see its popularity when the smartphone, from which it was born (although, ironically the iPad was the original idea), has made this kind of thing so much better.

In reply to

@simonwoods I hear you, but my experience coming to the windows from mac has been a bit smoother. Sure, I missed the cross-platform integration on mac initially -- iPhone, mac, iPads all connected. But with my current usage of devices from varied platform (Windows + Android + iPad), Windows fits better. I have realized that, no doubt, applications on Mac are brilliant, well designed. Polished. But they tend to not focus on cross-platform capabilities and stick to just the Apple ecosystem.

Regarding blogging, I have given up on native clients for shorter posts. Web apps allow me to access same, familiar interface from any device. For longer posts, iA Writer is serving me well -- again cross-platform.


@amit Things aren't terrible, for sure. If it turns out that using Apple stuff doesn't help me solve my problem then I'll spend some time to consider how I feel towards regular hobby blogging as a whole.
