@jack This is one of the reasons as to why I'm happy to have my blog on here. Between the official apps, third-party alternatives, and a few options for quick sharing therein I am able to share as quickly as I want from different devices should I wish.
@jack that's one of the main reasons I don't want to go with any static site generators any more. Posting quick thoughts from a mobile needs an app. Micro.blog solves a lot of such small, but significant problems for me.
@amit I'm usually fine with a static site for my main blog, but for the quicker things (and mobile) it's just a bit too much friction. Many of us could probably benefit from a little friction, though :).
@jack I hear you! I love static site generators like Hugo and Jekyll, but using them without a Headless CMS can be painfully slow and cumbersome.
I've successfully used Netlify CMS and Forestry with customers' websites and my own hobby projects.
I also use Shortcuts for my blog. "Hey, Siri, new post" gives me this:
Then, I just write what's on my mind and hit Done.
Setting up a headless CMS or creating a Shortcut is a bit of work, though, and not for everyone.
@sod I liked Netlify CMS while I was using it. But it doesn't work well on mobile. Or at least it didn't when I tried it. Plus Shortcut doesn't work for me as I am not always on mac or iOS. I set up micropub which allowed me to use some apps/websites for posting. But it's always painful to maintain anything additional. // @jack
@sod I used Netlify CMS for a bit. It worked, but I decided that part of the fun of running a static site is editing simple text files and if I wanted a whole CMS I'd probably just use WordPress. Thankfully, I almost never want to post from anywhere but my laptop so I don't worry about mobile options. Shortcuts looks like a cool solution, though!
@sod Coming a bit late to this, but what happens with the Shortcut? I’ve created one that creates a file, but I still need to upload that. Or is this something Netlify specific?
@jamescousins The Shortcut handles the upload as well. In my case, that means committing the file to a git repository (via GitHub's API).
That's super easy to do with the weirdly named action called Get contents of URL (that also can make POST and PUT requests, despite its name).
But depending on how you host your blog, you might have to do something completely different.
@sod I’m using GitHub pages. I’ll confess that it sounds like it might be beyond my technical ability (and not something I thought possible via Shortcuts). Might be a bit of holiday tinkering for me.
@jack After having once again looked at other options, I've also once again realized Micro.blog just works for me. I just want to publish quickly and easily, and the added features such as bookmarks, bookshelves, and easy photo sharing are gravy on the potatoes. I just don't have the interest, or patience, to tinker anymore.