Normally I can read an average length book in 2-3 days. But the book I started right after finishing a really good read has, to put it mildly, become tedious. I don’t know if I should have left it a few days before starting this new one, or if it’s actually that the book is just not a great read to begin w...
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@alexink I've just had a very similar problem. Finished one in a series I really like then the next book fell very flat. Throw in an instance of highly dubious treatment of an animal and I stopped reading, unsure if I wanted to completely abandon it. That animal incident is troubling me though, even a couple of days later and I'm now into a book which is OK. I think that other one is a goner.

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@alexink I usually find it tedious to start a book right after being immersed in one which took my whole attention and self out of this reality. Falling into a new reality requires me to first go back to my own. Watch a random TV show, do a puzzle. A day or two later, I can actually start a new book. But yes, sometimes the book sucks for me, but then I'm sure it's the book and not reading exhaustion.

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@Miraz Oh, I hate that two. These things really throw me as well, and I can't go on either when I hit one of these kinds of speed bumps. You have to ask yourself why do they need to include this, whatever this is.

Thankfully the book I started last night is a winner.​

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@immarisabel I realise this is exactly what I need to do. I should have waited at least the weekend before jumping in. But the truth is, I think this is just a dud. I'll probably donate it.

Meanwhile, onto better books.

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@alexink Good question: why did the author need to include this? This particular incident could have been something quite different if the author was setting a tone or whatever. I thought I might ask for a refund on the book but I must have read too much or something. Oh well, it's less than $2 down the drain and the author's on my don't read list now.

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