So for those of you following along, the first physio appointment went well. I was pulled, poked, prodded, measured and manipulated to the point my shoulder now actually moved and yes, while the muscles are complaining, it’s a good pain. I now have a sheet listing a series of exercises I’m to complete thr...
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@alexink happy to hear you have some next steps in place. Hopefully massage helps as well!

I’ve crossed the one-year mark of bi-weekly 90 minute deep tissue work and it has been the only thing to help with my chronic pain.

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@aa Indeed, so am I. And I hope the massage is going to make a big difference along with the exercise plus physio. I just hope it will all have an end point sooner rather than later.

And sorry to hear you too have been on a similar journey, you have my sympathies. I now know how it feels.

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@alexink yep, chronic pain (mine is hips, gluts, entire back, shoulders, neck, etc) is part of my life, an unwanted partner. And so I’ve “just” had to learn how to manage it, knowing that the problems will never be fully fixed. Hope you can find a routine to help manage yours!

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@aa Damn, I won't complain about my lone sore shoulder from here on in. That sucks. How do you manage the pain never mind everything else?

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@alexink oh no, complain away!! I totally understand!

pain management has been a journey and one I'll likely have for the rest of my time here, iterating with the pain as it continues to move around my body. It has been a learning process, but I've gotten to the point now where I am able to "listen to my body" in a way where I can feel where something is starting know how to deal with it, or at least do my best to deal with it. There is only so much one is able to do on their own though, which is where the bi-weekly massage work comes into the picture. Either way, the biggest thing for me was learning how to listen and understand, which took YEARS UPON YEARS :-)

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@aa Yeah, I can see how listening to your body and learning how to deal with each eventuality takes time and experience. I'm beginning to understand that. As with age, a lot more things are beginning to fail. And I am sooo looking forward to doing regular massage to help make sure I unknot all the muscles, which is where my problem began. Fight the good fight!

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