Today's accomplishment: I can upload blog posts to my blog via SSH in Shortcuts. WOOT!
Today's accomplishment: I can upload blog posts to my blog via SSH in Shortcuts. WOOT!
@rosemaryorchard Cool, which blogging engine are you using? Btw I really like the automation podcast!
@rosemaryorchard Is yours text only or images as well? I am trying to build a complete Ulysses -> Grav workflow.
@jl\_siewert Currently text only, but I'm working on an "upload images" one which will put them all in an images
folder inside pages which I can then reference :)
@rosemaryorchard Cool. I am working on adding the grav header on the fly with the current data. Currently I am struggling with extracting the title from the markdown header.
@jl\_siewert I am working on a series of Drafts actions for Grav users - as soon as I have a shareable set I'll post them! (Basically it creates the YAML header, etc., allows you to copy the slug to the clipboard, etc.)
@rosemaryorchard Probably I need to look into something similar to add a blog post entry through Git (Working Copy).
@rosemaryorchard Can you share your workflow somewhere? I use Statamic, which is a bit like Grav – PHP CMS based on flat-files.
@rosemaryorchard Cool. Looking forward to that! Relatedly, do you host your on Grav?
@rosemaryorchard I saw it. That looks really helpful! 🙏 I’ll try and replicate your success ☺️