@www.rousette.org.uk New post: Some blog housekeeping.
In which I prettify my footnotes (and incidentally re-awaken my love of long and rambling footnotes), and dip my toe in Webmention waters.
@www.rousette.org.uk New post: Some blog housekeeping.
In which I prettify my footnotes (and incidentally re-awaken my love of long and rambling footnotes), and dip my toe in Webmention waters.
@bsag I've been really happy with the way that webmentions work, though as you say there are a handful of moving pieces to understand. I like that idea of caching them locally so that they don't depend long-term on webmention.io --- maybe that will be my next project.
@alans It’s a very cool idea. Still no idea if I have wired it up correctly though as I haven’t had any mentions through to my dashboard yet from my testing.
@bsag Replies on micro.blog should also trigger mentions. I'll try sending one from my own site, too.
@alans Woohoo! The post you made on your own site just showed up in my webmentions dashboard. The one on the timeline here didn't which makes me think that I might need to tinker a bit more. I have just added my macroblog feed to micro.blog to see if that makes a difference. I have been previously just linking to new posts manually. We'll see. Thanks so much for taking the time to send a mention from your site!