Though I’m still getting to grips with (I’m low on the tech literacy scale), I’ve just helped hubby @jezb get set up
Though I’m still getting to grips with (I’m low on the tech literacy scale), I’ve just helped hubby @jezb get set up
@SusanB FYI: when you’re posting from an external blog, you have to make the username link yourself (4th bullet in this help document). I wrote a filter for WordPress blogs that will do it automatically.
@smokey Thanks for the link to your filter (a little over my head for now). I finally sat down with the help doc on Friday and managed to get my non-techy brain around the external linking. One day I will catch on, I just need a wee bit longer to get it. 😊
@SusanB Several of us have talked about combining some of our WP functions into an actual WordPress plugin people could install normally, but we’ve never gotten around to doing it… :-(
@smokey I'm currently on so can't do the plugin thing right now. I was on .org when I first started on MB but I had major issues with the IndieWeb plugin and XML-RPC (apparently GoDaddy disabled it with no way to enable it). I'm planning on going back to self-hosted (shared) with Siteground soon. A full MB related plugin would be amazing for a novice like me, but I'm happy to learn to get it all working. (Sorry for the late reply, I'm only now catching up with last week. Have a great week :))