
I’m going to stop posting for now. It’s too difficult to post to my blog in a way that isn’t clunky and feels time-consuming.

I’ll continue to post updates related to @til and if there is any other update worth sharing but my regular blogging is stopping until it’s easier.


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It’s too difficult to post to my blog in a way that isn’t clunky and feels time-consuming.

Is it just the sharing stuff that you mentioned earlier (and the lack of decent Windows apps), or more than that?

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@smokey I do have an upcoming break (for the holiday season) but that's not enough by itself to prompt this. I no longer feel comfortable bending to accept inferior options but I do have some thoughts on solving this issue myself, and all of that combined is enough to keep my busy to such an extent that I don't have the space for casual blogging anyway.

This is actually a very good thing; hitting limitations, I'm learning, is a part of improving my productivity in a meaningful way.

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@simonwoods Ah, OK.

I was going to suggest that some (most?) of the sharing functionality could be replicated by JavaScript bookmarklets or, likely better, Firefox/Chrome extensions—and the fact that we don’t already have these for has emphasized that while we have a lot of developer-types here, very few of them are web devs, or at least that kind of web devs (or they are all Mac/iOS people where there already are native sharing options).

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@smokey Yep. Or at least those who might be interested haven't done much about it, save literally two people, and even then it's still heavily in the Apple camp. This is exactly why "Apple-centric" sticks so easily as a criticism of the platform, and even though I understand the situation is more complex than that the fact remains that I cannot ignore the effect.

Do you know how I post photos? I go to Google Photos in my browser, download one-by-one, then post on the web app. For a good 99% of people on the web that sounds literally insane.

I hate that we don't have a good support system for high-quality cross-platform software development on the web. It just feels wrong, since without the web none of these stupid walled gardens would even exist.

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@simonwoods I think, generally speaking, doing most sharing activities is easier with a filesystem (e.g., you don’t have to worry about authorization, because if it’s on a filesystem you can access, you can access it), and the web is definitely not a filesystem.

I think Manton could build something that can upload a photo from an existing URL, but there are (at least) two drawbacks, one technical and one philosophical:

  • Authentication, because if you supply a URL for an image that is not public (as I assume is the case with Google Photos), it will fail…
  • Building such a thing would make it trivial (frictionless) to begin uploading GIFs, memes, and whatever else is out on the web, and cheapening the quality of the M.b experience, and in controlling that sort of post/image, friction is by design.

That said, no argument that the method you have to use to post photos is insane :-(

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@smokey Fortunately for me, I have a way around this and it's mostly via my broader approach to publicly posting photos. However, I do think there is room on the web for this to be improved; it's all fragmented, silo nonsense and not just for photos. Although, I would guess we agre on that general point, heh.

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