
Dry July is ridiculous. If you want to reduce the amount you drink, do so as a matter of course. If you’re concerned you drink too much, drink less. Limit yourself to 1 drink, 3 days a week, but don’t think going cold turkey for just one month a year is going to help long term.

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@yorrike Agreed. In fact, I'd say you can apply this method to almost anything you do in life; constant work over the longer term always feels daunting but is the most bullet-proof method for success at achieving almost any task.

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@simonwoods I was personally concerned about the amount I drank. I wasn't drinking huge amounts (well, anymore, I was young once), but a drink most nights felt like too much.

I now limit myself to a single drink, three nights a week (with an exception for special occasions). It works well - I’m well under the 14 standard drinks per week as some organisations recommend as a maximum and i still get to enjoy my precious craft beers without overly destroying my organs.

And once you make something routine, it's easy and it takes zero mental power to keep to your self-imposed rules.

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@yorrike Building habits... if ever there was a thing that ought to be legally required in schools all over the world. Making it mandatory would give so many children a much-needed boost in their lives.

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