🧵 Wondering if the Threads switch/toggle/button in the EU will happen at midnight, or sometime during the day…
🧵 Wondering if the Threads switch/toggle/button in the EU will happen at midnight, or sometime during the day…
@maique Ooh, didn’t know that. How exciting, quite looking forward to seeing what it’s all about.
@maique @BenSouthwood And it's always nice to support an indie developer!
@otaviocc I'm aware I'm probably in the minority here, but I did enjoy it while it lasted. It had great photography, and that's always a plus for me.
@ovr Still not too sure. I’d love to see it used as UI for Instagram, as I liked the way photos were shown over there. And it added a few tricks that I also enjoyed, like full screen multi photo panorama shots (with a third party app). Not sure how those will translate outside their ecosystem.