🔖 Read How’d That Thing Go? by Kate McKean.
“I don’t want a schedule, I want a sandbox. I want a list of things that need to be done and a container of time to do them, and then I get to pick.”
Yes! Life as sandbox game! I needed this.
🔖 Read How’d That Thing Go? by Kate McKean.
“I don’t want a schedule, I want a sandbox. I want a list of things that need to be done and a container of time to do them, and then I get to pick.”
Yes! Life as sandbox game! I needed this.
@KimberlyHirsh I'm firmly in the pocket of Big Lists. Pretty sure if my mind was drawn you'd just see an outliner.
@KimberlyHirsh For a couple of years, I managed a "daily routine," where I had "the things I do when I don't have things on my calendar." And… it worked so well… until it didn't. But I think it's a similar idea to her sandbox: I knew what I wanted to do when I had the time for them.
The problem for me: I treated that sandbox as chiseled in stone and didn't update it for what different days/weeks needed.
I'm still working to find that right flow. And maybe the sandbox viz is what I'll try next!