Small networks, large web.:
@SimonWoods mainstream ease of use doesn't have to imply a large network, but an accessible one. I worry that the indieweb I want will gatekeep some realy high quality writing/work that Twitter has enabled.
@jsonbecker Do you mean for writers who, before Twitter, would not have had such a platform on which to be discovered?
@SimonWoods neither the platform nor the medium. Even the format of their work is greatly influenced by the structure of microblogging. It needs to be easy to do silly creative projects in a meeting, some of which succeed and find meaningful recognition, I think. Or at least, I think these are signs of richer communities.
@jsonbecker reminds me if this oldie but goodie i wrote eons ago before i mostly walked away from indieweb world.
@eli I am absolutely with you. I think the Indieweb is currently almost entirely in "build your own tools" or "I use a product for other reasons that happens to be Indieweb-friendly".
I'm fairly technical, and I find lots of parts of the Indieweb mystifying. I dont' think the docs help either-- I cannot tell you how surprised I was to figure out what mf2 actually was, and then how little guidance there was on semantic correctness.