
Remarkable what a weekend of minimising staring at screens and devices does to your head.

I read a bit and cleaned up old colour slides, but mostly just printed a bunch of my pictures, took a marker to them and noted crops, adjustments and other things.

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@purisubzi I hear that. Every now and then I'll take a weekend "off" from either anything serious in front of a screen or almost screens entirely. There are some chore-based apps that I use without which I would find it difficult to get certain things done, although I am working on a plan to reduce my reliance on them specifically at weekends.

Given the benefits I feel of this intended avoidance of any super computer -- right now we have no way to listen to music without at minimum using an old iPod -- there is a high chance I'll turn every weekend into a screen-less existence.

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@simonwoods For a while I had screen-less days pretty much on schedule, but these past six months and the pandemic have meant an almost constant device use. From work to getting house errands done to food and shopping, almost everything has been via some sort of a screen.

Only in the past week have I felt a tinge of normalcy return (even though India has completely botched up its response -- there were 90K cases yesterday!), so am really glad to escape phones and tablets and laptops.

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@purisubzi The pandemic has left no stone unturned with regard to so many of our rituals, it seems. It's never been clearer to me just how much I can benefit from even the barest schedule for compartmentalising these screens; escape is certainly the best word for it!

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