
Siri, you really have no idea what to suggest, do you?

Screenshot of an iPhone lock screen showing a Siri Shortcuts suggestion for the note containing yesterday’s Natural Log post draft.

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@bix It’s finally appeared—seems that post got caught in a bad interaction between my image linking filter and the feed update delay.

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@smokey Yes, how helpful for the robot to remind you of what you, yourself, created a few hours before. 😞 At the other end of the spectrum is your Week 38 Roundup, which shows what an alive being with a great eye can find and display for others to appreciate, surely the culmination of many hours of reading, observing and curating, a poke in the eye of AI.

You win the wise long-form blogging Chang 🐘 . Chang, in Thai, ช้าง translates as elephant. An animal renowned for its superior strength and mental capacity.

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@Ron 🙏 I will treasure my Chang and keep it with my Thai Scout patch :-)

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@smokey Scouting is very big in the schools in Thailand, a long tradition of teaching good values to their kids for more than a century, first started by King Rama VI, when he returned from the UK. Perhaps you went over there for some of your early schooling?

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@Ron At summer camp my first year in Boy Scouts, our council had recruited a Thai scout leader to teach the Citizenship in the World merit bage. In addition to (or perhaps as part of; I’m really not sure anymore) the requirements of the merit badge, he taught us various things about Thailand, some words, and so forth (the only thing I can still remember was that the Thai currency is the baht). Then at the end of the week, he gave us all a Thai scout patch, which was very exciting for a bunch of 12- or 13-year-olds! (In subsequent years, the council brought in English and other European Scouters to teach that badge; I always have considered the younger Scouts to have missed out since they didn’t get to learn about an unfamiliar country in the process.)

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@smokey That is soooo terrific, Smokey! We didn't have a Citizenship in the World merit badge when I was a scout, but it sounds like a great idea. And what a great camp to bring in a Thai scout to teach it! I may have gotten a similar view of the world from my ham radio days as a kid, which was extremely valuable in my development and served me very well in my entire life. I can understand why you saved that badge. I saved my Order of the Arrow sash from my scouting days, as it had a lot meaning for me as well.

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