Gettting Things Done Simply – With Org Mode
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@AndySylvester Wow, I didn't know you could do Org Mode and Emacs on Win 10! Ages ago I remember @Jack writing a lot about how much he loved using Org Mode. But I don't think it was available on Win at that time, so I didn't pursue learning or using it. But now Andy has developed slick videos on how to install & learn Org Mode on Win 10. Even a mailing list! I'm seriously considering doing all his vids and implementing Org Mode. Mainly to impress my brother who I think has used emacs for years. I'll sleep on it tonight and see how I feel about it in the morning. I might end up being as organized as Andy, or maybe as organized as my brother. Well probably not as organized as my brother. But I'm still ten times (maybe 50x ?) better at double entry than my brother. I think Org Mode might be a basic skill on the order of double entry, so maybe well worth learning & using! 💻


@Ron thanks for the comment! let me know if you have any questions/problems on getting started with Emacs and Org Mode...


@AndySylvester Thanks Andy. I think you've given me my best Christmas present of the year with these tools for learning Org Mode. You make great videos that show the exact procedures to follow, no mystery or ambiguity. I think these are very basic skills that can be used for lots of useful purposes.

It reminds me of when I discovered VisiCalc on the Apple II when it first came out and I knew it was a great tool I could use as Controller of a sales company with many different locations in several states. I suddenly had much more powerful tools as an accountant. It empowered me.

Keep up the good work!!
