@andynicolaides Thanks!
@Mtt This is great, thanks. Interesting that it doesn’t seem to work in Safari View Controller. I wonder if this is a big or intentional on Apple’s part. Also, any way to get the “Also on Micro.blog” button to turn dark?
@craigmcclellan It’s working for me in Safari View Controller. At least it is in the beta version of the micro.blog app. Maybe the app has to be built for dark mode first?
@craigmcclellan Yeah, you can use CSS to do that as well. Or hide it altogether (that’s what I did). I don’t mind helping, but I’m away from a computer for a bit. Let me know if you get it before you hear from me.
@Mtt Interesting! It is app dependent. In Micro.blog the dark theme works. In Gluon, it doesn’t. And thanks. CSS is a mystery to me. I understand it when I see it, but can’t write it to save my life.