I was feeling down and blue so I spent a lot of time on social media and now I feel ever so much better and more cheerful, said nobody never.
I was feeling down and blue so I spent a lot of time on social media and now I feel ever so much better and more cheerful, said nobody never.
@MitchWagner Inspired by a post I saw yesterday, (sorry no reference), I will seriously consider putting my phone in a drawer for the weekends, and lest anyone calls me, I’ll rather read (physical) books and… (Well, I guess I have to listen to my music trough streaming, as I don’t have a record player at the moment…).
@MitchWagner Besides calls to and from friends and family, I’m lucky to have no other important stuff in the weekends.
@odd I keep a food journal in my phone for health reasons, I use it for driving directions when I'm out on (masked, social distancing) errands, I use it to check the weath and as a fitness tracker. I keep my to-do list in there. Also, I look up odd facts. Even if I'm abstaining from social media, the phone gets a good workout!
@MitchWagner I used to do food logging and activity-monitoring too, but I realized it didn’t have a lot of impact on my lifestyle, so I quit doing that. Now however, I’m eating healthy and are starting to get some exercise as well. I usually don’t have to go places, and the store is in my building. When I started to use a wireless QI-charger for my iPhone, it was just out of reach for me, and then I started noticing how often I use my phone. But if i cut down to the bare necessities I think I can put it in a drawer for most of the weekend. That is the theory at least.