
Podcasts are not radio shows. Or at least, they didn't used to be. Now, judging by how almost all awards lump them together, there is no meaningful distinction. Except that, in our hearts, we know that there is.


@jeremycherfas Intriguing. I was going to ask you how podcasts and radio shows are different, but instead I'll try to answer that question: (1) Podcasts are often more produced and polished. It's hard to imagine something like S-Town or Serial as a radio show. (2) Podcasts assume a level of continuinty by the listener. Even the couple-of-nerds-sitting-around-talking genre tend to assume that listeners listen to every minute of every episode. Not true in talk radio -- far from it.

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@jeremycherfas ... that said, sometimes podcasts can be very radio-like, and vice-versa. I remember hearing a long excerpt from a talk radio program that Studs Terkel did in the 60s -- a half-century ago, and it sounded like a podcast. Studs and a couple of co-hosts shooting the breeze intelligently and informatively, in a deceptively casual fashion. And I heard the excerpt on a historical podcast -- full circle!
