
Religious upbringing is great for kids, even for those of us who find ourselves nonbelievers, agnostics, or atheists. It helps a person figure out the world and cosmos and their place in it.


@MitchW I guess I only had a sort of religious upbringing. My family was Catholic but I don't recall that it was taken all that seriously. It was there but not central to life. I don't recall much discussion on relgion or related topics. Perhaps it's just reflective of my particular family? Later in life, like many, I went off in exploration of other religous/spiritual/cultural/philosophical ways. After 15 years of looking around I eventually settled into thinking of myself as an agnostic and then an atheist.

But looking back to my childhood and early adulthood, I don't see evidence that religion played much of a role in my understanding of the universe. Again, that may be a reflection of my parents and grandparents. Hard to attribute too much to any one variable but as an adult looking at my parents and extended family in recent years, they are largely ignorant of our current, common understanding of the universe.

The gist of my upbringing, amounts to the basics of rule following and going with the general flow... work, consume, find a mate, have children, raise children. Hopefully with financial success of some level. All very base-level thinking.

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@Denny I went to Hebrew School and was Bar Mitzvahed. I feel like it helped me appreciate that the world was bigger than my own life. Even though I ended up nonreligious.
