If you’re active on Facebook and/or Twitter as well as here, how do you decide what goes where?
I post pretty much the same things in both all three places. Cut-and-paste is my friend. But I feel like maybe there should be a better way of doing it?
If you’re active on Facebook and/or Twitter as well as here, how do you decide what goes where?
I post pretty much the same things in both all three places. Cut-and-paste is my friend. But I feel like maybe there should be a better way of doing it?
@MitchWagner For me, each platform has a different audience, in part based on my personal history on each platform: most of my Facebook friends are people I initially met offline and are people who know (or have known) me "in person." Twitter is mostly strangers that I either follow for information, for humor, or because of common interests. In both cases, there are people who don't fit those roles, but it's a good shorthand. So my Facebook posts tend to be much fewer and more personal. Twitter is my default place to post. Micro.blog started for me as mostly "where I write blog posts I want to tweet." It does that very well, but… as I find people to follow here, Micro.blog wants to become something more to me (but I don't completely know what that is, or whether I have enough to write about to make it more).
@maique No Facebook for you, eh?