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Sunset / moonrise straight out of the iPhone. 3x telephoto.
@Miraz Beautiful.
@Miraz Beautiful photo. That 3x comes to it’s right there. 🌕
@Miraz Beautiful scene!
@patrickrhone I was glad I looked up and spotted that rising moon. 😀
@timapple @odd It was a lovely view but the photo took me a bit by surprise — so luminous!
@maique This is a truly wonderful place. We're so lucky to live here.
@Miraz It was. The camera (+AI) has really become great on the iPhone, and the landscape didn’t disappoint either.
@alans 😀 I enjoyed looking at it.
@Miraz Nice photo! I love all the greens.
@Cheri By mid-summer there will be a lot of brown! Unless it's one of those rainy summers we get sometimes.