@rosemaryorchard I really think Apple should get back into full-on colors with their devices like they tried with the 5c, but with a first-class phone. I’m thinking glossy Jet Black/Product Red materials, but in an array of colors.
@jackwellborn I would like to see that too, but I'm not sure how popular it was really. Nowadays I'm happy with white and silver - though I would have preferred rose gold ;)
@rosemaryorchard Definitely looking forward to thoughts! Do you think you will have it for WWDC?
@Burk It should be here in 2-4 working days after shipping, so yes! Will you be at WWDC? I'll be the girl with the rainbow watch strap at AltConf!
@Burk Woohoo! More nerdy people! I take it you may make it to the micro blog lunch on Tuesday?
@rosemaryorchard OMG. I have the Apple nylon rainbow band, but now I really want this one. I'm just not sure I can bring myself to pay $130 for a band … but … 🤤 I may crack … I had no idea these existed.
@Lioncourt I found it when trying to find the nylon one. I don't have any kind of link bracelet so this will be a first!
@rosemaryorchard I first thought this was rubber and was only “meh” about them. But I see that it’s actually aluminium... 💸💸💸
@rosemaryorchard Until the AppleWatch, I had a few different metallic link bands for my analogue Braille watches over the years. This sounds a lot nicer than any of those.
@Lioncourt I really like the idea of each link being a separate colour. And the fact that it starts at red by the watch face on both sides and goes through the rainbow is a definite winner! They have lots of nice bands, which have some nice textures too - always nice to jazz things up a bit instead of just "plain".
@rosemaryorchard Oh, wow, that is much nicer than I was picturing in my head. Thank you for the description! I suspect I will cave by the end of the day. The product page has been open in Safari since I first saw your post. LOL
@Lioncourt Hehehe! The colours are vibrant, I figured they deserved a word picture to match 😀
@rosemaryorchard I wish online shopping sites did a better job of describing products for those of us who are visually impaired. Buying things, especially like this with a fashion component, can be frustrating … or embarrassing. LOL
@Lioncourt You have my sympathies! I do my best to add descriptive alt text to the images on my blog. Hopefully we get that on micro blog soon so I can do the same here. It's minimal extra work for me but if it helps even one person then it's worth it :)