Currently reading: Star Trek: The Next Generation: A Fury Scorned by Pamela Sargent đź“š
@SimonDH How are you liking it?
I have onle read the first two chapters right now. So far it's a fairly standard TNG book were the crew faces a seemingly impossible task...
@SimonDH I’ve not read a single book in the TNG universe because I always get tripped up on the whole “is it canon” thing. Guess I should move on from that.
I never really cared about canon or non-canon. Star Trek books are a nice, easy read in between. More or less a guilty pleasure
@SimonDH True! I will probably add one or two for summer-time reading. Any highly recommended ones?
@plumey If you like DS9 A Stitch in Time about the origins of Garak is a good read. I think that I mostly enjoyed the books written by Peter David. But truth is, that most books are an easy read and also easy forgettable. I just read the books I can find in second hand book stores...