Hi. I’m Kimberly, and everything you need to know about me can be summed up by the fact that I’m currently bullet journaling while rocking out to The Phantom of the Opera’s cover of The Power of Love.
Hi. I’m Kimberly, and everything you need to know about me can be summed up by the fact that I’m currently bullet journaling while rocking out to The Phantom of the Opera’s cover of The Power of Love.
@kimberlyhirsh Bullet Journal. I leaned into that full speed last April. It’s kept me relatively sane to date.
@kimberlyhirsh I just started bullet journaling. I'm really struggling with consistancy at this point.
@jakelacaze I've been bullet journaling since 2014. I've tried lots of different productivity methods but I keep coming back to BuJo.
@Joshin Well yes.
@tda233066 Cut yourself a break. Do it when you can, or when you remember to. It's all about making it work for you.
@jakelacaze I do modify it some. I use Google Calendar instead of a future log or monthly calendar page. For me, BuJo is really about David Allen's idea of ubiquitous capture. Everything goes in this one notebook, and it's fairly disorganized.