I wrote an article for Inside OmniFocus! Its about tags, perspectives and automation.
I wrote an article for Inside OmniFocus! Its about tags, perspectives and automation.
@rosemaryorchard Great article with tips that are making me think of how I can use OF3 in more effective ways.
@rosemaryorchard thankyou ... Instapapered ... timely as I listened to @brentsimmons podcast today and will look to explore more - long time 2 user - but recently been using things for some 'things’ - time to revisit and decide on one or the other
@adiabatic They're both working for me. @brentsimmons I figure you would know if there are issues?
@JohnPhilpin The two week free trial is excellent for figuring out what you want. I hope you find the system that works to help you complete your tasks!
@rosemaryorchard Thankyou ... have been running the beta .... I just need to move my real world out of things and back to OmniFocus - for the past few months been running two distinct set of projects in different places...
@rosemaryorchard Great article!! It was very enjoyable to read as I’ve been seeing if switching back to Omnifocus from Things is workable. This means slightly re-thinking how I do things and some of your workflows were great inspiration. I also found your Drafts 5 to Omnifocus article SUPER helpful last night for quickly copying a list from a text message and turn it into a project in Omnifocus with tasks
@hollingsbee It's sort of like a calendar reminder, but when I tap the notification it opens my OF inbox. :)
@rosemaryorchard I’ve been neglecting my OmniFocus a bit recently. I think it’s time to look at it again.