Every Dem in Congress needs to read this. It was shared during the townhall today.
Every Dem in Congress needs to read this. It was shared during the townhall today.
@hawaiiboy moved it into my Readwise so I can extract bits - because it's not just Congress IMHO
Turn His Own Supporters Against Him – Highlight betrayals and remind them how he’s grifting them. You got the crypto coin, the no tax on tips/overtime, veteran care, etc. Keep pointing out how republicans are being caught in the crosshairs of all his horrendous policies.
Parallel News Ecosystem – Strengthen independent journalism to counteract mainstream right-wing propaganda. Don’t rely just on mainstream news. Start getting independent news journalists to interview you and get on all of their channels.
Bait Trump Into Distractions – Push narratives that enrage him (e.g., stories about how Melania is disgusted with him, how Elon is trying to become the president, how Vance is working behind the scenes to impeach him so he can be president – SOMETHING). These types of stories really get into his head and live rent free. You all have the platforms to spread gossip faster than I do.
etc etc
@JohnPhilpin Musk and his cadre groomed Vance to be their puppet. He had no experience and they bought him a seat in Congress. They gave Trump $200 mil to make Vance VP. They know Trump will be gone one way or another in the short term.
@hawaiiboy Thiel is the one that groomed Vance - and yes both Paypal Mafia - but definitely not friends