Is This How You Get 'Silenced'?
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@JohnPhilpin since you're asking for thoughts... "BeyoncĂ© does ‘Country’ and not one word about ‘cultural appropriation’ đŸ€Ș " - This reads like a claim that BeyoncĂ© was appropriating country music. But then I don't know the context. Not sure how to read the emoji. Does it signal that you're not saying that? Maybe it means "you're all talking about 'cultural appropriation' a lot". Anyway, interpreting random comments is hard! Also: America, that's hard to understand too. I did my best.

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@writingslowly thank you for reading.

I guess in my mind I have 🔗 articles like this bouncing around my head - where there are questions around whether white boys not only 'can't jump' but should also be careful around performing hip hop. I don’t see too many articles the other way round - hence the Beyonce poke.

I think the point I was (badly) trying to make is really around 'two way streets' - and no 'cultural appropriation is not oft' discussed in there - but it is not shall we say a 'focussed' group.

I am not a fan of either Beyonce OR Country music - so maybe I should have just left alone .. it just stuck me as funny - and didn’t really expect a history lesson in country music and the role of race in the same and to be accused of not checking my facts - given that I hadn't used any.

In the end who cares? I can cross them off my Christmas card list - no big deal ... I just wonder if it is the very thin end of a very thick wedge being driven into communities.

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@JohnPhilpin I heard a podcast recently and one guy said "did you actually talk to those people or did you just read about it?" and the other guy said "oh yeah, I just read about it. Maybe I should talk to them". I guess the whole Internet is like that. Lots of strong opinions, uninformed by face-to-face discussion. From my vantage point on the Pacific rim I see an increasingly polarized society in the US. But maybe that's just the media version. Anyway, I'm keen on less polarization, aided by real conversations. Not sure the Internet is the true home of those kinds of interaction! though: a small but valuable exception.

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Yes - and ...

The group of 150 or so is not that big.

I KNOW the person. We haven't met in the flesh - have on Zoom and the spouse I have met IRL.

I am in New Zealand - but a Brit that has spent a long time in California.

The other person is an intelligent American from the North East states - living in the UK.

The group is primarily UK oriented.

In so many ways it is no big deal. Talk about first world problems! And it isn't that singular issue - but rather a broader thought - that IF someone I know can take umbrage at my throwaway joke and get offended (personally - or 'on behalf of') .. in a different space it could be a lot worse.

Maybe it's me - but then - đŸ–‡ïž maybe not

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@JohnPhilpin Isn't that the irony? The technology connects us across vast distances - the better to misunderstand and misinterpret one another. BTW, I looked at the website from Manuel's interview. I love the term 'feral gen-xer'. But now my eyes are bleeding (in a good way, I suppose I should add).

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