
Is the idea of thinking about people’s values, identity, behavior, engagement, relationships … as a ‘stack’ reasonable or misguided?

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@JohnPhilpin For simplicity, in some cases, maybe. But there are usually interconnections between all the facets, and they also change over time, in some more frequent than others.

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@cm aahh yes - data - totally describes you 😊

*a favorite ‘box poem’ of mine from a local friend * By the numbers there’s my driver’s license,

car registration, license plate, zip code,

various accounts, street address, birthdate

home, work, and cell phones, passport, credit cards

debit cards, PINs, social security

frequent fliers, internet passwords, stocks

checking, HMO, IRA, museums

library card, land and enneagram.

I know its a lot to remember, but

thank god I finally know who I am.

I talked about it here

The question comes out of a meeting where someone was attempting to model the ‘digital person' onto the old OSI stack ... which I thought was just plain wrong ... but I do like the idea of pictures to explain the concepts that we are getting out heads around

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I like simplicity, to help understanding

”interconnections between all the facets, and they also change over time

yes - over time - *and geography and context *

”some more frequent than others.

ooohhh - like an ‘energy field’.

Which I am a little pre didpsosed to since I have a series of 4 articles in process around ‘Data' - which I am arguing is not the new water, oil, soil - or new anything else for that matter ... it is and just is


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@cm I am so happy you liked.

Let me see if I can open up the kimono further …

First The OSI Model is not something I believe is the right thinking - for a start if we are falling back to a conceptual model of telecommunications to understand people - well - as the farmer said --

”If I was going there - I wouldn’t be starting here.

So this comes after a discussion where someone (to be fair) wasn't using OSI and seeking to map - but was seeking to come up with a single stack that can be used to describe the digital ‘me’.

Personally - I am with @odd ... whatever you come up with will change

  • by geography
  • over time
  • in context

So as I am filling out the details behind yet another confounded post - YES - I am playing catch up - I am playing my way of thinking back into the discussion which is visual, more complex and only is a single view over a highly complex concept.

I have the diagram (which I am still nurturing), but it alone requires a narrative (the post), so I wont share it just yet - BUT suffice to say I am examining the role of a person in the context of business, at this moment, in the ‘West’.

Making more sense ... or have I just confused everything.

All of this is part of People First and of course it’s associated newsletter

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“I’m learning how to solve hard problems with simple pictures"

tell me more - one of my jobs in the past was running this outfit.

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@JohnPhilpin I like H2H. “Productivity devices” have a certain way of making you less creative, and therefore maybe less productive, yet I use them every day… Being There is (I think) a movie where people are on different OSI-layers, but still communicating to a degree.

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@odd excellent movie - thanks for the jog ... time to revisit.

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@cm good stuff - the power of visual should not be under rated!

The biggest difference between what Dan does and Caswell - the REAL brains at Group Partners - is that word STRUCTURED we use at Group Partners.

Structure Visual Thinking allows us to work out what the REAL Exam question is by peeling back the onion in a discovery session.

In discovery - D1 in the 4D method ... we allow a group to unpack their challenges by mapping entire conversations and group discussions into a single framework.

More if interested.

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@cm Just curious where you're up to? I've been adding some more resources and few more prompts. I also decided I want to change platform so I haven't put everything on the site. I'd love to know any issues you're having. (One of the big changes, especially for the layouts) is providing more guidelines on what to sketchnote).

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@cm no problem at all. I haven’t done as much as I’d like on it either!

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@cm this is also feedback in itself. Maybe there was too much too soon.

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