Very early days, but I’ve managed to create a basic websub reader for myself. Missing more features than it has, but progress is being made #indieweb
Very early days, but I’ve managed to create a basic websub reader for myself. Missing more features than it has, but progress is being made #indieweb
@hjertnes WebSub provides a common mechanism for communication between publishers of any kind of Web content and their subscribers, based on HTTP web hooks. 🤓 The W3C Recommendation has the specs.
@hjertnes joy? No, not really. I derive a certain pleasure in understanding them, and in the sensation of neutrons firing as I imagine how I might be able to implement them, does that count?
@dgold Sure. I studied Wittgenstein for a semester for similar reasons. And Heidegger the semester after that.
Seems like I have thing for doing difficult stuff…
@JohnPhilpin @dgold people.umass.edu/klement/t... Beautiful piece of something, but still gives me a headache.
@hjertnes saved for ‘later’ .. but with a forward by ‘Bertie’ ... you know you have been ‘pre-warned’ ... I won ‘Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy’ as a school prize back in the day. It still travels with me. I still have a hard time with it.
@hjertnes He actually meant Microsub which is a early draft of a way for feed reader servers and clients to talk to each other. Allowing for simplified innovative feed reader interfaces to be developed, rather than everyone having it’s own backend and parsing.
@EddieHinkle Interesting. So, I guess it could replace the fever api as the generic rss backend "everyone" implements?