4/366 | 🏢 Demonstrating The Pace Layer.
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@JohnPhilpin I think I'm missing something. What's the "Pace Layer" of the title? And what (if anything) do the arrows mean in the diagram?

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@devilgate the diagram is the pace layer .. is an attempt by Brand to highlight that a building is not just a fixed thing … but something that is forever changing … with different layers changing at different speeds. (I think the arrows are a loose attempt to reveal that change.)

The layers are loosely described thus.

Site is the land the building is built on .. it might last for thousand of years unchanged .. or it might not .. permanently flooded, destroyed by an earthquake would be longer changes .. a severe fire will also change the land .. but over time will recover

Structure is .. well, the structure. Think of a skyscraper, the piles into the ground, the iron beams etc.

Skin is the outward decoration that causes the building to look like it does.

Services are the neccesary ‘infrastructure’ of the building .. water, electric, gas remains unchanged the pipes need to be replaced, or Ethernet is added.

Space Plan is how the building is organized. If you watch HGTV shows, they are often messing with the space plan, let’s knock down that wall, and one out this .. close out that. Something you can do .. but maybe not every year .. or even decade.

Stuff. Victorian furniture or modern? Lots of stuff .. cluttered or prefer minimal. Painted or wall papered walls. Move all that stuff out to emphasize space.


In the two images I used, despite the first one being burnt down, the site was still usable .. it remained unchanged. But all other layers were removed .. they could start again. Whatever decision they used for the structure .. the look of the building could have been radically different .. change the skin. That is not so easy to change and costly .. but doable. Services are in place. They haven’t changed much since being built .. but they can .. and in fact they run a wireless network in that store .. so it has. The space plan has changed a couple of times since the building was put up .. sometimes ‘bigly’ sometimes just moving the flows of the aisles. Finally the stuff .. parts of that are changing every day .. parts monthly, yearly (signage’ etc etc.

Make sense?

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@JohnPhilpin Thanks. I think I got all that from your original piece. It was just that your title referred to explaining a thing, and then that thing wasn’t mentioned in the actual piece. Unless I missed it.

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@devilgate my turn .. the title says demonstrating .. which I think did, but maybe explaining was written somewhere else?

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@JohnPhilpin My mistake. But what I was getting at is, your title implies, ‘I’m going to demonstrate a fribjillator.’

The reader thinks, ‘Interesting. I wonder what a fribjillator is? The post will explain.‘

And then they read the post, and it doesn’t mention fribjillators.

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