The Beckn protocol “allows you to create open and decentralized digital ecosystems”. So far, the word ‘blockchain’ is mentioned nowhere (that I have found). I also haven’t found how it handles ‘identity’ before it facilitates a transaction, though it says it does ‘identify each other’ b...
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A friend of mine sat in on this session. He summarized ...

'Totally fascinating. A group of decentralists listening to a centralist and thinking he was a decentralist!'

The concept is that each individual signs up to a platform that then can do commerce with any other platform. A bit like joining a co-operative and being able to shop in all of the stores that the co-op has done a deal with. Or, a standard 3-party transaction.

And, as we know, the challenge with 3-party transactions is identity!

But, the good thing is they will need identity unless they limit themselves to online or build a tunneling solution!

More to come with time. Just dropping this in here for now.

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