
Today on AppAddict - The Battle of the Clipboard Mangers - I settled on using Raycast with the CopyQ extension installed after being a PastePal user for years. I still have access to Keyboard Maestro and Better Touch Tool’s clipboards, but I tried and rejected numerous others.

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@amerpie Why did you choose Raycast over Paste? I've used the former (and PasteBot) - but I like Paste the most out of all of them.

In Paste, I really like: - The preview window in general - That I can edit and save snippets in categories - The paste stack

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@Havn I'm trying to reduce the ridiculous number of menu bar apps I'm running for one thing. I have yet to run into a situation where I wanted a feature Raycast doesn't provide. Even though I have Setapp, I'm still offended by Paste's pricing model. When its competitors, like PastePal are a $14.99 one-time purchase, asking $29.99 a year is not something I want to encourage for a utility.

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@amerpie Yeah, that's fair! I guess I don't care about menu bar apps as much, as Bartender just hides them. But it would probably be good for my RAM to reduce the amount!

I use Raycast a bunch - and then it's practical to have the clipboard separatly, as it struggles a bit with running different things at once. But yeah, I would never say Paste is worth it, compared to Raycast, if you're not on Setapp. :) (But I guess I'm not offended, heh.)

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