Automators 14: Automated Journalling:
@rosemaryorchard Thanks to you both for the podcast and sharing your shortcuts. Very helpful as I try to integrate Day One into my life, having dabbled with it for a few years.
@rosemaryorchard great episode, I have one question if that’s okay. If I remember correctly, you mentioned something about an automated way to get posts into Day One, or did I make that one up? Because if that’s correct, I might be downloading Day One again. 😁
@ronguest that is probably what I think they were talking about. I’m gonna have to jump into my iftt account and try to set that up.
@Gaby Of course not. I created a “if” based on my RSS feed.xml from and triggering a DayOne new journal entry. Happy to be more specific if needed.
@ronguest I thought I knew what the applet was asking for, for the feed url but nothing I enter works 🤔
@Gaby I used for mine (not my actual personal URL, but the MB one). Does that help?
@ronguest okay! That have seemed to work, applet created. Now I’m going to have to test it. Thank you for your help!
@rosemaryorchard right! That’s what I figured it was. I got mine setup, with the help of some good people of course // @ronguest
@rosemaryorchard Thanks for the reminder that supports crossposting! I somehow never got around to enabling it before now, but now posts to my self-hosted microblog will also show up on, Twitter, and Mastodon. Awesome!