@ohBananaJoe From what I have read, currently, there is no way to update AirPods firmware without an iPhone/iPod or iPad. Do you have an apple store close? That would be my only thing I can hink about. Unless I am totaly wrong...
@ohBananaJoe From what I have read, currently, there is no way to update AirPods firmware without an iPhone/iPod or iPad. Do you have an apple store close? That would be my only thing I can hink about. Unless I am totaly wrong...
@ohBananaJoe @Gaby Yeah, I think you're out of luck with Windows. Maybe another human in your vicinity owns an iPhone you could pair the AirPods to until the latest firmware is installed? 😊
@sod I still find it to be a befuddling flaw of AirPods that the only way to update them is to have them paired and just hope they’ve updated. No way to manually force them to.