Really excited that Indigenous has received 74 downloads 😲 Wow. I’m sure to some, that doesn’t seem like a lot, but it does seem like a lot to me! Still working on the next updates.
Really excited that Indigenous has received 74 downloads 😲 Wow. I’m sure to some, that doesn’t seem like a lot, but it does seem like a lot to me! Still working on the next updates.
@cleverdevil Yeah, that’ll be great! After IndiePaper for iOS is in the App Store, Ver 1.1 or 1.2 should have some X-url-callbacks so people can save to IndiePaper through Shortcuts without having to manually configure the token
@EddieHinkle ooh that’s a great idea! Hopefully Apple will get back to me tomorrow on the submission issues with App Store Connect.
@EddieHinkle And here is my next rabbit hole: microsub! As I wanted to make some fairly significant changes to my micropub endpoint I figure wrap them all up together, eek!
@EddieHinkle It's a great app! I only wish my microsub server worked well enough (totally my fault) for me to use it reliably with Indigenous all the time.
@EddieHinkle I downloaded it this morning, trying to get it to work now, but receiving this error:
{"error":"parameterabsent","errordescription":"Missing Parameter: redirect_uri"}
Using the Indieauth plugin for WordPress, any ideas?
@jsorge Thanks 😁 I’ve wanted to actually get an app on the App Store for probably 5 years, so its an exciting milestone for me!
@Burk Thanks 😁😁
@oyam Thanks 🙂 There’s a lot of improvements I want to make, but small steps are the best way to get there.
@philbowell hmmm that’s really strange! Do you have the newest version of IndieAuth the plugin? It’s had to go through a lot of updates recently, but the newest version should work good.
@EddieHinkle I finally had a moment to try Indigenous. Thank you for this app. I like the onboarding and the looks of the app. The connection with microsub is great. I was quite confused by the lack of feedback when I liked or reposted something. Since I didn’t see if it was succesful, I ended up with multiple copies on my site. Other than that, great job!
@frank Thanks! That’s great to hear, I definitely wanted to make sure onboarding was nice. The lack of button feedback is a strange bug... it should be changing color. The next update will have that fixed! Thanks for letting me know! Definitely send me any other thoughts you have on the app.
@EddieHinkle Yeh I seem to be, version 3.1.1 is installed. I get the same issue with Quill when I try that as well.
@Zak Hmm that’s a good question, I’ll use my hosted account to test that out, and see if there is an issue in Indigenous, Aperture or your set up and get back to you