
How did the US go from having luxurious, widely used passenger trains to the Amtrak system we have today?

Will the United States ever catch up to the rest of the world when it comes to train travel, or are Americans stuck with an underfunded, inefficient rail network forever?

More was spent in 2022 on US highways than in the combined 52 year history of Amtrak:

Federal Highways: 64.3 billion Amtrak budget: 2.3 billion

Updated high speed rail is an essential element of cutting our carbon emmisions as is cutting air travel.

What I learned from taking a train across the US - YouTube

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@Denny One need only look to Europe for shining examples of how to do high speed and high quality rail properly. North American automakers obviously see things differently…

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@pimoore Agreed!

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@Denny This is exactly the kind of example that shows how government policy and actions can make more of an impact in curbing climate change rather than waiting for and pleading to the top 10%

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@pratik Agreed and also disagree. This would help a great deal. That said, who will pressure the government to do it? For decades government has failed in every possible measure to put into place the policies and infrastructure we need. And decade after decade the people refuse to mobilize to force the government to do these things. It's a Catch-22.

To be clear, the top 10% is much of, possibly most of the US. Are we really so far gone that we will just go on as the world literally burns down around us? Must we be coddled or forced by government to do the right thing? Are we so helpless?

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