
Really like this quote from Josh Ginter:

Immediate attribution of an idea to someone else is wrapped up at its core in one word: humility. A person willing to attribute an idea or concept to someone else always exudes humility, and this leads to a more meaningful conversation about that topic, even if in-depth facts about the topic aren’t known at the time.
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@philbowell had to read the article to get the context and glad I did. So much this. I get Sivers point and agree to a degree but Josh’s push back is so needed. I’d rather hear a person who owns an idea and shows what led them to that idea. For example, they heard a business person recommend something then they tried it, found some caveats and now they believe [x]. I don’t believe Sivers intends to promote ripping off ideas (he states he that you have to digest it suggesting transformation of some sort) but his quote could easily justify all sorts of plagiarism I’ve seen online. I prefer the Austin Kleon option.

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@ChrisJWilson I agree, I don't thing it's what Sivers was intending either but I agree it could be easily used as justification for plagiarism. I'm also of the Kleon mindset, credit where it's due and think it sits hand in hand with what Josh said.

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