@ChrisJWilson This might be a stupid question, so I'm sorry in advance if that's the case. 😅 But if you're afraid of losing what is written in a window, couldn't you save the post as a draft and close the window? That way, you know your draft is safely stored on Micro.blog's servers, with the added benefit that you can continue writing on another device.
@sod I really hate the micro blog drafts system. I find it very awkward to find them later plus there's no autosave. That's the real issue for me. An unexpected update or clearing the memory can lead to losing something. I often get interrupted (kids) so might not finish a thought. The other aspect is I do have a couple of other places I publish (newsletter, a different blog, I'm considering some guest writing) so having all that in one place would be useful. For reference, I usually use the mac app so perhaps drafts are better on the web but I can't easily find them.
There's a lot where this isn't a problem, I just share an idea and move on, but I have a mini essay in front of me which I started on Monday, but it made me reflect on the idea a bit more before I publish. So maybe I need to rewrite the whole thing? Or just continue. I'm not sure yet.
Yes, this is majorly overthinking things and I won't let that stop me from continuing to write (probably in MB at the moment!) but I'm wondering if there's something that might encourage more writing.
(Oh, and a final note. It could be good to have a place to write where I don't have the pull of the feed to scroll through).
@ChrisJWilson Yeah, I get that the lack of autosave and findability can be a showstopper. It sounds like a third-party writing environment is the right thing in your case.
@ChrisJWilson As you're using a Mac I'd urge you to consider MarsEdit. It would fit that need to save drafts perfectly. Saves as you go along too.
@ChrisJWilson I guess your problem with drafts in micro.blog could be an argument for writing in Drafts and then sending it over with its automation features. Drafts has been growing on me.
@ChrisJWilson The browser version of micro∙blog has a draft function, which might be an alternative as well.
@ReaderJohn @ChrisJWilson Seconding Drafts, as it's been my preferred way to write and post. Always ready for a new post, auto saves everything, syncs to Mac app, and post with one key press.
@renevanbelzen I've had issues (in the past?) writing in the browser, especially on the phone. But I might as well check it out I guess, no harm in double checking.
@rickcogley I had Ulysses for a few years and loved it, but eventually I didn't feel I could justify the subscription. It is a wonderful app though.
@maique @ReaderJohn I think setting up a dedicated Drafts workspace might be the best answer. I already save most ideas there and it's cross platform with almost magical autosave...