Uh oh, the strike at Frankfurt airport on Tuesday might cause the flight I should be on to be cancelled. However one call to the airline and they've re-routed me. I'll get to Seattle a day earlier than planned and at no charge!
Uh oh, the strike at Frankfurt airport on Tuesday might cause the flight I should be on to be cancelled. However one call to the airline and they've re-routed me. I'll get to Seattle a day earlier than planned and at no charge!
@rosemaryorchard wow! That’s customer service! (To be honest I’m not sure if this should be expected and airlines have set my expectations so low that I’m impressed, or if it is genuinely impressive).
@ChrisJWilson I'm not sure either. A few years ago I was flying with BA and the first flight in my trip was delayed, I called to ask if I could travel earlier but they couldn't change it (the flights were originally the same price). Austrian today offered when I called to see how the strike would affect me. This isn't a budget airline though to be fair (though they have budget fares).
@rosemaryorchard there was a time when I couldn’t imagine BA being compared to a budget airline...but deliberately not seating partners together unless you pay to select your seat 😤.
@ChrisJWilson Ouch. I switched to Austrian shortly before BA announced they were no longer serving drinks and snacks for free on short haul flights and am quite happy I did! While no airline is perfect my preferred airport being Austrian's home base is pretty handy. Plus, at least getting a drink and some crackers on the trips to my parents makes flying much more bearable.
@vasta I am a massive fan of "let's avoid the problem entirely" solutions! Of course, I now have 12 hours less to get everything done, but as I know what I need to do I'm just getting on with it!