
U.K.’s Boris Johnson Survives No-Confidence Vote Over Lockdown Parties (WaPo behind the wall - so not read it - but wouldn’t anyway.)

… as spineless as most Republicans.

Progress spinner
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@JohnPhilpin it’s absolutely disgraceful. He was found guilty, more obvious failures have been exposed and he still clings on. I am rubbing my hands at the prospect of a Tory defeat to send the message that they shouldn’t tolerate this kind of lawlessness but the Labour party’s ability to shoot itself in the foot worries me and it would be far better to stick to standards like the law maker shouldn’t break their own laws.

Progress spinner

@JohnPhilpin Why are you bringing American politics into the discussion, John? We don't have to promote more division in America. The media does more than enough of that for us. I don't think you're in the US now, are you?

Progress spinner


There was no 'conversation' - I was comparing the spineless of the U.K. 'right' with the spineless of the U.S.A. 'right'. It's my blog - I am allowed to do that.

Much as for example the British journalist Helen Lewis wrote recently :

“As a Briton, it’s impossible to read this profile of Steve Bannon and not think of Dominic Cummings: they have the same monomaniacal, frenetic energy, the same need for attention, the same desire to play the heel, the same compulsive desire to tell you how clever they are, the same inability to work within a conventional system, and the same love of verrrry specific bits of history.”

How dare she write about Bannon - isn’t America already divided enough?

That said - I would be blown away if comments in any micro blog thread had any impact on the divisiveness that defines America, much less one of mine - but I am sure you are right.

Re the question ‘where I live’ in your last sentence …. what on earth does it matter where I live to be able to comment on something?

That said, for the record …

I am a British citizen - and haven’t ever spent two seconds wondering whether I should become an American citizen since I first moved here 30 years ago. I am temporarily living (as in 'this is where I go to sleep at night'), in New Zealand - BUT

  • I own a house in the U.S.A.
  • I pay my taxes in the U.S.A.
  • I own a car, bought and paid for in the U.S.A.
  • the car is insured by a U.S.A. company for its operation in the U.S.A.
  • I have a U.S.A. health plan.
  • My main bank accounts and all my credit cards are based in the U.S.A.
  • The work I do is primarily for U.S.A. businesses.
  • My servers (generally) reside in the U.S.A.

The only thing I can't do in the U.S.A. is vote (so much for no taxation without representation) - but that hasn't stopped me from actively campaigning for different candidates in three different election cycles.

So you tell me - which country’s politics am I allowed to comment on?

Progress spinner

@JohnPhilpin I’ve had people question my “right” to comment on brexit after spending 6 years out of the UK. On the one hand they were correct that I was biased and affected by my experiences, but so we’re they from their experiences. Everyone should be free to comment on another nations politics (though it is helpful to be aware of one’s ignorance). Even when we speak ignorantly, unaware of some historical trend or factor, it can help shed light on the peculiarities of a nation. Such as how Brits and Australians find the US gun issue incomprehensible because we don’t get the second amendment.

Progress spinner

@JohnPhilpin It looks like you read Helen Lewis’s newsletter, The Bluestocking, then. It’s one of my favourite things on Substack, and what I most look forward to on Friday mornings.

Progress spinner

@JohnPhilpin Of course, as you l know, you can comment on anything you want on your blog. I only asked about your location because as a ham radio operator we often think about where a person is located on the planet. It is the first thing that defines us in the ham radio world.

I know very little about British politics and didn't know their prime minister was from the right. I'm sorry I brought it up. No offense intended.

Progress spinner