
Per CDC: Expect Coronavirus to gain foothold in US and Others

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@bradenslen Yeah. I’m not panicking, but I’ve stocked our pantry and I’ll be avoiding crowded places for the next few weeks while this shakes out. Hand washing FTW!


@Cheri Smart move. I think that is just being prudent. Let's just say one has to voluntarily isolate themselves and family during an outbreak for 3 weeks.

  • Food, canned goods, coffee, tea. It won't go to waste you will use it up eventually.
  • Medicine cabinet: aspirin, cough medicine, to treat flu like symptoms at home. Plus basic first aid stuff. Facial tissues.
  • Dog and cat food. Kitty litter.
  • Diapers if needed.
  • Some new board games and/or a new role playing game or two.
  • I suggest buying a small battery operated AM/FM/Shortwave radio plus extra batteries. These are not very expensive and it's worth being able to get information (BBC and CBC shortwave, etc.) independent of the grid.
  • Little bottles of hand santizer you can carry in a pocket should you have to go out on a supply run.
  • Toilet paper.

None of this is wasted money, the stuff will get used up eventually, so if they are not needed you are really not out anything.

I think we all missed the boat on N95 type face masks for now, most are made in China so who knows when they will again become available.

I know it sounds paranoid, but I went through the 1967 snow storm that hit Chicago. I won't bore you with a long story but it was like two weeks before a huge front end loader came and cleared the drifts from the streets of our subdivision so we were truely stuck.


@bradenslen Good list!
