@rosemaryorchard If I called my father for advice on those tools, I'd probably end up with some severed body parts. He knows a ton, but how to use construction tools is not among them. ;)
@Bruce My Dad is a master carpenter and extremely handy with tools - but more importantly he's a logical person and a good listener!
@rosemaryorchard Wish I could say the same about my father. Family therapy is helping a bit though.
@Bruce You can't choose who you're related to by blood, but you can choose who you make your family!
@rosemaryorchard He has a good heart and, at his best, will go to the ends of the Earth for those he loves. He was just damaged a lot by his own parents. Part of what I'm trying to do is accept his limitations and rebuild the relationship with them in mind.
@Bruce He sounds like he's trying which is very important! I hope things work out well for you two :)