“Savor the beginnings. …part of me misses the excitement of starting something ‘brand new’ and putting it out there. …there are a lot of things to savor now that things are far less bumpy, but there is something special about beginnings. If that’s where you’re at, make sure you savor yo...
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@Annie this is good quote. Thank you for sharing the good quote -- been trying to keep this in mind with 2nd kid on the way, and other starting prek

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@vasta Same here. That phrase -- "savor the beginnings" -- is something I repeat to myself regularly. And it is having a huge positive effect, a reminder to slow down and enjoy these moments. They are beautiful, and even the chaotic uncertain beginnings of things are precious and irreplaceable.

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@eli It is good isn't it? Especially difficult to remember in the parenting arena, I think. It ALL seems so important and so chaotic and we want so much to "get it right." I don't know if this is helpful for you but here's my $.02 on parenting (I'm the mother of a 13, 11, 10, and 8 year old, currently): Most of it doesn't matter at all. The only thing that matters is our children knowing they're loved. If they know that, they'll be able to deal with/adapt/learn as needed for the rest of their lives. Love is the essential. The rest is all preference. The more you can relax, the more fun you'll have and the more fun they'll have and the more space there is for love. ❤️

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